Thursday, January 2, 2014

Oh, it's a new year...

(If it makes you feel any better--I tried really, really hard not to write this. I had determined it was to cliche and I was not going to do it....andddd here I am anyway. Forgive and love me regardless? Still friends?)

Last night I stayed up way too late talking with my mom recounting everything that had happened in the last 365 days. It feels like 2013 flew by, but as I sat remembering everything that had happened it all of a sudden seemed incredible how much life was squeezed into the year.

As I traced lines around all the craziness that had happened, I just started laughing. I laughed because I have such an incredibly short term memory. I often forget how incredibly good God is, but as I sat looking at my life now I began to piece together all the things that led me to where I sit now and I saw this incredible picture emerge.

This year I have grown closer to old friends and family and I have met dozens and dozens of incredible people, who I now count among my dearest friends. I just wish I could convey to them how much I adore them, I haven't figured it out yet, but I'm going to keep trying.

This year I've grown into my own skin a little bit, owning who I am, I've poked holes into fears that I've held for so long, I've chased after beauty with bright zeal, I've erased the lines that I didn't realize I had drawn around grace, I've been hunted and hounded by Love and grace, I've cried bitter and painful tears and I've learned in the middle of pain that joy born out of heartache has a substance that it wouldn't have otherwise. And laughter slips from lips.

There's something about walking through difficult things that forces us to wade ever deeper into this ocean of grace.

So raise this glass of life to your lips and let us all drink deeply of this new year. Happy twenty fourteen my people.

Love much and much love,


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